「世界食料デー」月間2024 10/1-31

What is “World Food Day” Month?

October 16th is World Food Day , a day established by the United Nations to raise awareness of the issues behind poverty and hunger. Since 2008, in addition to World Food Day, the entire month of October has been dedicated as ‘World Food Day’ Month in Japan. During the month, United Nations agencies, as well as non-governmental and non-profit organizations working with issues related to poverty and hunger, collaborate to host various events and participate in educational outreach.

It is a natural human right to be able to eat safe and nutritious food whenever one is hungry, no matter who you are and where you live. Enough food is produced worldwide to sufficiently feed everyone on the planet, but over 690 million people are living in hunger. In contrast, we import tons of food each year, much of which ends up going to waste. During ‘World Food Day’ Month, together we can all raise awareness on issues related to “food” of the world through our daily eating habits, and we aim to work together towards a world where no one will suffer from hunger or malnutrition.

Each year, many people take part in this joint effort – by distributing flyers at restaurants and coffee shops, by organizing and hosting events with their school clubs and organizations, or by including columns and articles in monthly newsletters – in whatever ways they can. For World Food Month, would you like to join our effort to reflect on what you can do, and be an agent of change?
